Buddha's  Birthday

Buddha's Birthday, also known as Buddha Day, Buddha's Birth, or Vesak, celebrates three things in one day – birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Buddah's Birthday  is the widest celebrated Buddhist holiday. It celebrates the birthday of the Prince  

Siddhartha Gautama, is a holiday traditionally celebrated in Mahayana Buddhism.
Buddha's Birth is held on the 8th day of the 4th month in the Chinese lunar calendar in
In all east Asian countries except Japan, and the day is an official holiday in Hong Kong, Macau, and South Korea. The 4th month in the Chinese lunar calendar is translated into April or May. Therefore Buddha's Birth is celebrated on April 8th or May 8th in many temples.

The 8th day of the 4th Month in the Chinese Lunar Calender is on...
In 2013,  May 17th
In 2014,  May 6th
In 2015,  May 25th
In 2016,  May 14th

The more common name for this holiday is Vesak, the name of the month when it is celebrated in the Indian calendar. It can be celebrated in the last full moon in May, with a little exception for the leap years, when the celebration is moved to June. All the Buddhists all over the Asia spend this day in temples completing their religious duties. There are four of them – Tum Boon (going to temples for Dharma preaching), Rub Sill (abstaining from all the immoral actions), Tuk Bard (giving the food to monks and meditation practice) and the most important is Vien Tien (in the evening all the people organize a candle-lit process, every person must hold flowers and candles on his/her way to the temple). They say that in such way they make a path for Buddha and all his followers to their home – a temple.

In India, the Birth of Buddha
Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti or Tathagata is celebrated in India, especially in Sikkim, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bodh Gaya, Maharashtra.

In Japan, Buddha's birth is also known as HanaMatsuri or "Flower Festival". It is celebrated on April 8th or according to the Buddhist calendar but is not a national holiday.

In Korea,
Seokka Tanshin-il or "Buddha's birthday" or "The day when the Buddha came" is celebrated according to the Lunisolar calendar.

In Nepal, the birth of the Buddha is called Buddha Poornima, Buddha Purnima, or Vaishakh Poornima. It celebrated by Buddhists for an entire month of the Buddhist calendar.

In Sri Lanka, Buddha's Birth is one of the major festivals in Sri Lanka, celebrated on the first full moon day of May.
The first full Moon of May is on..
May 7th, 2013
May 14th, 2014
May 4th, 2015
May 21st, 2016
May 10th, 2017

Buddha's birthday is also knoqn as...
Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti in parts of Bangladesh and Nepal
Fódàn a.k.a. Fāt Dàahn in China, Singapore, and Taiwan.
Phat Đan in Vietnam
Saga Dawa in Tibet
Kasone la-pyae Boda ne a.k.a. Full Moon Day of Kason in Burma
Visak Bochéa in Cambodia
Vixakha Bouxa in Laos
Visakah Puja, Vesakha Puja, or Visakha Bucha in Thailand
Waisak in Indonesia
Wesak in Sri Lanka and Malaysia

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