September 21st
Holidays and Festivals
Independence Day (Belize) * (see below)
Independence Day (Armenia) * (see below)
Independence Day (Malta) * (see below)
International Day of Peace a.k.a. International Peace Day
Dia da Árvore a.k.a. Arbor Day (Brazil) * CLICK HERE
The National Festival of Trees (the Netherlands) * CLICK HERE
World's Alzheimer's Day
World Gratitude Day
National Women Road Warrior Day
Miniature Golf Day
The eighth day of the Eleusinian Mysteries, when the secret rites in the Telesterion finish and the feast, Pannychis, begins. (Ancient Greece)
Feast of Nativity of the Theotokos (Orthodox Church)
The first day of Mabon (Neopaganism)
Christian Feast Day of Matthew the Evangelist (Western Church)
* Ibiza Closing Parties Ibiza, Spain - Last 3 weeks of Sept (13-21)
* Independence Day (Belize) September 10th & September 21stcelebrate the independence of Belize from the United Kingdom in 1981.
* Independence Day (Armenia) celebrate the independence of Armenia from the Soviet Union in 1991.
* Independence Day (Malta), celebrate the independence of Malta from the United Kingdom in 1964.
Toast of The Day
"May you both grow old on one pillow."
- Traditional Armenian - Happy Armenian Independence Day (From USSR)
Drink of The Day
Washington Apple
1 Part Crown Royal
1 Part Apple Pucker
1 Part Cranberry Juice
Shake and Strain into A Rocks Glass
Wine of The Day
Capay Valley Vineyards (2004) Syrah
Style - Syrah
Capay Valley
Beer of The Day
Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA
Brewer - Sierra Nevada Brewing
Style - American IPA
ABV - 7.2%
Joke of The Day
New Holiday Cards
So your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day.
Look at the bright side, it's really good pay.
My tire was thumping. I thought it was flat. When I looked at the
tire. I noticed your cat. Sorry!
You had your bladder removed and you're on the mend.
Here's a bouquet of flowers and a box of Depends.
Happy Vasectomy! Hope you feel zippy!
Cause when I had mine I got real snippy.
Heard your wife left you. How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it. She moved in with me.
You totaled your car. And can't remember why.
Could it have been. That whole case of Bud Dry?
Too bad no one likes your wife.
How could two people as beautiful as you.....
have such an ugly baby?
I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love.
After meeting you, I've changed my mind.
I must admit, you brought Religion in my life.
I never believed in Hell until I met you.
As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am that you're not here
to ruin it for me.
If I get only one thing for Christmas, I hope it's your sister.
As I grow older, Mum, I think of all the gifts you've given me.
Like the need for therapy...
Thanks for being a part of my life!!!
I never knew what evil was before this!
Congratulations on your promotion. Before you go, would you like
to take this knife out of my back. You'll probably need it again.
Someday I hope to get married.... but not to you.
Happy Birthday! you look great for your age... almost Lifelike!
When we were together, you always said you'd die for me. Now that
we've broke up.... I think it's time you kept your promise.
I knew the day would come when you would leave me for my best
friend. So here's his leash, water bowl and chew toys.
We have been friends for a very long time... what say we call it
I'm so miserable without you.... It's like you are still here.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
Any idea who the father was?
You are such a good friend that if we were on a sinking ship and
there was only one life jacket.... I'd miss you heaps and think
of you often.
Your friends and I wanted to do something special for your
birthday... so we're having you put to sleep.
Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!!
(available only in Alabama and Arkansas)
Quote of The Day
"I can't afford to go away on vacation, so I'm just going to drink until I don't know where I am"
- Unknown
September Observances
AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Month
All American Breakfast Month
Apple Month
Atrial Fibrillation Month
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Month
Baby Safety Month
Backpack Safety America Month
Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month
Better Breakfast Month
Bourbon Heritage Month
Bumbershoot Festival (Seattle, Washington, USA)
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Childrens' Good Manners Month
Chili Peppers and Figs Month
Classical Music Month
College Savings Month
Craniofacial Acceptance Month
Eat Chicken Month
Fall Hat Month
Go Wild During California Wild Rice Month
Great American Low-Cholesterol, Low-fat Pizza Bake Month
Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month
Happy Cat Month
Healthy Aging Month
Healthy Aging Month
Hunger Action Month
International Guide Dogs Month
International People Skills Month
International Self-Awareness Month
International Square Dancing Month
International Strategic Thinking Month
Library Card Sign-Up Month
Little League Month
Menopause Awareness Month
Million Minute Family Challenge (September-December)
Mold Awareness Month
National 5-A-Day Month
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month
National Biscuit Month
National Blueberry Popsicle Month
National Campus Safety Month
National Chicken Month
National Child Awareness Month
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
National Cholesterol Education Month
National Civics Awareness Month
National Coupon Month
National Courtesy Month
National DNA, Geonomics & Stem Cell Education Month
National Food Safety Education Month
National Fruit and Veggies Month (Also June)
National Head Lice Prevention Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15)
National Home Furnishings Month
National Honey Month
National Infant Mortality Awareness Month
National Mushroom Month
National Organic Harvest Month
National Osteopathic Medicine Month
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (ovarian.org)
National Pediculosis (Head Lice) Prevention Month
National Piano Month
National Potato Month
National Preparedness Month
National Prime Beef Month
National Prosper Where You Are Planted Month
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
National Recovery Month
National Rice Month
National Sickle Cell Month
National Skin Care Awareness Month
National Wilderness Month
One-on-One Month
Passion Fruit and Peach Month
Peas and Radish Month
Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month
Pleasure Your Mate Month
Reunion Planning Month
Save The Koala Month
Sea Cadet Month
Self Improvement Month
Shameless Promotion Month
Southern Gospel Music Month
Sports and Home Eye Health and Safety Month
Subliminal Communications Month
United Planet Month
Update Your Resume Month
Virtual AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days
Whole Grains Month
Women's Friendship Month
World Animal Remembrance Month
World Leukemia, Lymphoma And Myeloma Awareness Month
Observances this Week
Surgical Technologists Week, Third Week of SeptemberNational Rehabilitation Awareness Week, Third Week of September
Adult Day Services Week, Third Week of September
National Farm Safety and Health Week, Third Week of September
National Reye's Syndrome Awareness Week, Third Week of September
Balance Awareness Week, Third Week of September
Tolkien Week, Third Week in September (Hobbit Day falls on 9/22)
Dating and Life Coach Recognition Week, Third Week of September
National Singles Week, Third Week of September
Constitution Week, September 17th through September 23rd
Build A Better Image Week, Third Full Week of September
National Clean Hands Week, Third Full Week of September
National Farm & Ranch Safety and Health Week, Third Full Week of September
National Indoor Plant Week, Third Full Week of September
National Rehabilitation Awareness Week, Third Full Week of September
Pollution Prevention Week, Third Full Week of September
Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, Third Full Week of September
Historical Events on September 21st
1192 English king Richard I the Lion hearted, captured
1217 Livonian Crusade, The Estonian tribal leader Lembitu of Lehola and Livonian leader Kaupo are killed in Battle of St. Matthew's Day against Teutonic Knights.
1348 Jews in Zurich Switzerland are accused of poisoning wells
1435 An agreement between Charles VII of France and Philip the Good ends the partnership between the English and Burgundy in Hundred Years' War.
1451 Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge
1589 Battle at Arques: French king Henri IV beats Catholic League
1591 French bishops recognize Henri IV as king of France
1621 King James of England gives Canada to Sir Alexander Sterling
1648 -23] Battle at Pilawce: Bohdan Chmielricki's beats John Casimir [NS]
1676 Benedetto Odescalchi elected as Pope Innocent XI
1677 John & Nicolaas van der Heyden patents fire extinguisher
1745 Battle of Prestonpans, A Hanoverian army under the command of Sir John Cope is defeated, in ten minutes, by the Jacobite forces of Prince Charles Edward Stuart
1746 French expeditionary army occupies Labourdonnais & Dupleix Madras
1765 Antoine de Beauterne announces he had killed the Beast of Gévaudan, but was later proved wrong by more attacks.
1776 Great fire in NY, 5 days after British take NY, a ¼ of city burns down
1776 Nathan Hale, spied on British for American rebels, arrested
1780 Benedict Arnold gives British Major Andre plans to West Point in the American Revolutionary War.
1784 Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Advertiser becomes the first success daily newspaper in America.
1792 The first French Republic forms. After a Proposal by Collot D'Herbois, The National Convention declares France a republic and abolishes the monarchy.
1814 "Star Spangled Banner" published as a poem
1815 King Willem I takes oath in Brussels
1823 Moroni 1st appears to Joseph Smith, according to Smith
1827 Joseph Smith, Jr. is reportedly visited by the angel Moroni, who gave him a record of gold plates, one-third of which Smith has translated into The Book of Mormon.
1837 Charles Tiffany founded his jewelry & china stores
1860 In the Second Opium War, an Anglo-French force defeats Chinese troops at the Battle of Baliqiao.
1863 Union forces retreat to Chattanooga after defeat at Chickamauga
1872 John Henry Conyers of SC becomes 1st black student at Annapolis
1883 1st direct US-Brazil telegraph connection
1885 Dutch demonstrate for general voting right
1893 Frank Duryea drives 1st US made gas propelled vehicle (car)
1895 1st auto manufacturer opens-Duryea Motor Wagon Company
1896 British force under Horatio Kitchener takes Dongola in the Sudan.
1897 The "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" editorial is published in the New York Sun.
1898 China's empress-mother Ci Xi & emperor De Zong arrested, ends the Hundred Days' Reform in China.
1903 1st cowboy film "Kit Carson," premieres in US
1905 Atlanta Life Insurance Co forms
1906 Yankee 1st baseman Hal Chase's 22 put-outs ties record
1913 1st aerobatic maneuver, sustained inverted flight, performed in France
1913 Turkey & Bulgaria sign peace treaty in Constantinople
1915 CH Chubb buys Stonehenge for £6,600
1915 Emanuel Querido ("Kerido") begins publishing Querido
1919 33rd US Womens Tennis, Hazel H Wightman beats M Zinderstein (61 62)
1921 Oppau explosion, a storage silo at a fertilizer producing plant (Bradishe Aniline chemical works) exploded in Oppau, Germany, 565 killed.
1921 Pope Benedictus XV donates 1 million lire to feed Russians
1922 Pres Warren G Harding signs a joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine
1928 "My Weekly Reader" magazine made its debut
1929 1st legal pass in Canada was thrown by Gerry Seiberling & 1st reception by Ralph Losie of Calgary Altomah-Tigers against Edmonton
1930 Johann Ostermeyer patents flashbulb
1931 Britain abandons gold standard/pound devalues 20%
1933 Trial against Marinus der Lubbe opens
1934 A large typhoon hits western Honshu, Japan, killing 3,036 people.
1934 St Louis Card Paul Dean no-hits Bkln Dodgers, 3-0
1936 Spanish fascist junta names Franco to generalissimo/supreme commander
1937 J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" is published
1938 The Great Hurricane of 1938 makes landfall on Long Island in New York (183 MPH winds). The death toll is estimated at 500-700 people.
1938 Winston Churchill condemns Hitler's annexation of Czechoslovakia
1939 Reinhard Heydrich meets in Berlin to discuss final solution of Jews
1939 Romanian Prime Minister Armand Calinescu is assassinated by ultranationalist members of the Iron Guard.
1941 US launches its 1st Liberty-ship, "Patrick Henry"
1942 116 hostages executed by Nazis in Paris
1942 At the end of Yom Kippur, the Germans ordered Konstantynów Jews (Poland) to permanently evacuate Konstantynów and move to the Ghetto established in Biala Podlaska, meant to assemble Jews from nearby 7 towns among them: Konstantynów, Janów Podlaski, Rossosz, Terespol, and 3 more.
1942 In Dunaivtsi, Ukraine, Nazis murder 2,588 Jews.
1942 On the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, Nazis sent over 1,000 Jews of Pidhaytsi (west Ukraine) to Belzec extermination camp.
1942 The B-29 Superfortress makes its maiden flight.
1942 Transport nr 35 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany
1943 Arundel (Solomon Island) in US hands
1943 Lynch Triangle (Square) in Bronx named
1943 Russian 13th, 61st Army reconquer Chyernigov
1943 Soviet forces reach Dnjepr
1944 Last British paratroopers at bridge of Arnhem surrenders
1946 Indians play their final game in League Park, ending a 55-year stay
1948 "Texaco Star Theater" with Milton Berle premieres on NBC-TV
1949 Chinese Communist leaders proclaims People's Republic of China
1949 Federal Republic of (West) Germany created under 3-power occupation
1950 George Marshall sworn in as the 3rd Secretary of Defense of United States.
1951 Emil Zatopek runs 15,000m in record 44 min, 54.6 sec
1953 Allied forces form West Germany
1953 KRDO TV channel 13 in Colorado Spgs-Pueblo, CO (ABC) 1st broadcast
1954 1st nuclear submarine, USS Nautilus, commissioned
1954 Kleffens appointed chairman of General Meeting UN
1955 Last allied occupying troops leave Austria
1955 Heavyweight champ Rocky Marciano KOs Archie Moore in 9 for heavyweight boxing title
1955 USSR performs nuclear test
1956 Yanks set dubious record, stranding 20 men on base Mantle hits a 500' plus homer but Red Sox win 13-9 in Fenway
1957 "Perry Mason" with Raymond Burr premieres on CBS-TV
1957 German sailing school ship Pamir sails Atlantic Ocean
1957 Olav V, becomes king of Norway
1957 Pote Sarasin forms government in Thailand
1958 1st airplane flight exceeding 1200 hours, lands, Dallas Tx
1958 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1959 600 Indian Dutch emigrate to US
1961 Antonio Abertondo swims English Channel round trip (44 miles)
1961 Maiden flight of the CH-47 Chinook transportation helicopter.
1964 Constellation (US) beats Sovereign (England) in 20th America's Cup
1964 Malta becomes independent from the United Kingdom.
1964 Reds Chico Ruiz steals home, beats Phillies 1-0. Phillies start a 10 game losing streak that gives Cards the pennant
1964 The North American XB-70 Valkyrie, the world's first Mach 3 bomber, makes its maiden flight from Palmdale, California.
1965 Gambia, Maldives and Singapore are admitted as members of the United Nations.
1965 O Kommissarova (USSR) sets women's longest parachute jump (46,250')
1965 Singapore admitted as a part of the United Nations.
1966 5" of rain falls on NYC
1966 Jimmy Hendrix changes spelling of his name to Jimi
1967 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1969 58th Davis Cup, USA beats Romania in Cleveland (5-0)
1969 Donna Caponi Young wins LPGA Lincoln-Mercury Golf Open
1969 NY Jet Steve O'Neal punts 98 yards against Denver Broncos
1969 Ron Hill wins European marathon (2:16:47.8)
1970 "Monday Night Football" premieres on ABC Browns 31, Jets 21
1970 KAPP TV channel 35 in Yakima, WA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1970 Luna 16 leaves Moon
1970 New York Times starts first modern op-ed page.
1970 Oakland A's Vida Blue no-hits Minnesota Twins, 6-0
1971 AL OKs Washington Senator move to Arlington (Texas Rangers)
1971 Bahrain, Bhutan and Qatar join the United Nations.
1971 John Lennon & Yoko Ono are Dick Cavett's only guest
1972 Marcos declares martial law in Philippines
1972 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos signs Proclamation No. 1081 placing the entire country under martial law.
1972 USSR performs underground nuclear test
1973 Jackson Pollocks painting "Blue Poles" sold for $2,000,000
1973 NY Mets go into 1st place (at .500) after trailing 12½ games
1973 Nate Archibald signs 7 yr contract with NBA KC Kings for $450,000
1974 US Mariner 10 makes 2nd fly-by of Mercury
1975 Jo Ann Washam wins LPGA Portland Ladies Golf Classic
1976 Orlando Letelier is assassinated in Washington, D.C. He was a member of the Chilean socialist government of Salvador Allende, overthrown in 1973 by Augusto Pinochet.
1976 Seychelles joins the United Nations.
1976 Wings performs in Zagreb Yugoslavia
1977 US minister of Foreign affairs Cyrus Vance dismissed
1979 Two RAF Hawker Siddeley Harrier jump-jets from RAF Wittering collide over the UK. Both pilots ejected safely. One of the jets broke up in midair and fell harmlessly into a field but the other dropped onto the centre of Wisbech in Cambridgeshire, destroying two houses and a bungalow. Several people were injured in the accident and three people were killed.
1980 Donna Caponi Young wins LPGA ERA Real Estate Golf Classic
1980 Kerry GAA beat Roscommon GAA in Croke Park during the All-Ireland Football Final by 1-9 to 1-6 thus winning the championship and a three-in-a-row.
1980 LA Ram Johnnie Johnson scores a 99 yard interception
1980 Richard Todd of NY Jets completes 42 passes in a game (NFL record)
1981 Belize (British Honduras) is granted full independence from the United Kingdom.
1981 Sandra Day O'Connor is unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate as the first female Supreme Court justice.
1981 Steve Carlton strikes out NL record 3,118th (Andre Dawson)
1982 2,251 turn out to see Expos play NY Mets at Shea Stadium
1982 Devils beat Rangers 3-2 in exhibition; 1st hockey in Meadowlands (NJ)
1982 NFL players begin a 57 day strike
1982 SF cable cars cease operations for 2 years of repairs
1982 STS-5 vehicle moves to launch pad
1983 11 killed in anti Marcos demonstrations in Manila
1983 David Mamet's "Glengarry Glen Ross," premieres in London
1983 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1984 Brunei joins the United Nations.
1984 NASA launches Galaxy-C
1985 Michael Spinks beats Larry Holmes in 15 to become Heavyweight Boxing Champion
1986 38th Emmy Awards, Golden Girls, Cagney & Lacey & Michael J Fox win
1986 Kerry GAA beat Tyrone GAA in Croke Park during the All-Ireland Football Final by 2-15 to 1-10 thus winning the championship and a three-in-a-row.
1986 NY Jets beat Miami Dolphins 51-45 in OT; record 884 passing yards. Miami Dan Marino passes for 6 touchdowns vs NY Jets.
1986 New Orleans Saints Mel Gray returns kickoff 101 yards for a touchdown
1986 Patty Sheehan wins LPGA Konica San Jose Golf Classic
1986 SD Padre Jimmy Jones pitchs 1-hitter in his major league debut
1987 3 Belgian minesweepers depart to Persians Gulf
1988 Mike Tyson smashes TV camera outside his Bernardsville NJ home
1989 Hurricane Hugo makes landfall in the U.S. state of South Carolina.
1989 Poland's Sejm (National Assembly) approves prime minister Mazowiecki
1990 Faye Vincent turns down White Sox bid to reinstate Minnie Minoso, 68
1990 Oakland A's Bob Welch becomes 1st 25 game winner in 10 years
1990 Pirate Bobby Bond is 2nd to hit 30 HRs & steal 50 bases in a season (so he can play in 6 decades) because it is a publicity stunt
1991 Armenia is granted independence from Soviet Union.
1991 USA Basketball announces "Dream Team" for the 1992 Olympics
1993 Russian President Boris Yeltsin suspends parliament and scraps the then-functioning constitution, thus triggering the Russian constitutional crisis of 1993.
1993 Ukraine government of Kutshma resigns
1994 Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Ft Laud/Miami Fl (WBGG 105.9 FM)
1995 The Hindu milk miracle occurs, in which statues of the Hindu God Ganesh began drinking milk when spoonfuls were placed near their mouths.
1996 Christie Brinkey gets married for 4th time, she marries Peter Cook
1996 John F Kennedy Jr marries Caroline Bisset
1997 Brickyard Crossing Senior Golf Championhsip
1997 Liselotte Neumann wins LPGA PING Welch's Championship
1997 Mike Piazza is 2nd to hit a HR out of Dodger Stadium
1997 NY Yankee Cecil Fielder hits his 300th HR
1997 Tim Herron wins Texas Golf Open shooting a 271
1999 Chi-Chi earthquake occurs in central Taiwan, leaving about 2,400 people dead.
2001 AZF chemical plant explodes in Toulouse, France, killing 29 people
2001 Deep Space 1 flies within 2,200 km of Comet Borrelly.
2001 University of Roorkee, becomes India's 7th Indian Institute of Technology, rechristened as IIT Roorkee
2003 Galileo mission is terminated by sending the probe into Jupiter's atmosphere, where it is crushed by the pressure at the lower altitudes.
2004 Construction of the Burj Dubai starts.
2004 The Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) People's War and the Maoist Communist Centre of India merge to form the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
2008 Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the two last remaining independent investment banks on Wall Street, become bank holding companies as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis.
2008 President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa resigns from office, effective September 25.
2008 Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel formally resigns from office, effective as soon as his successor Tzipi Livni has successfully assembled a new government.
2008 The final home game is played at Yankee Stadium against the Baltimore Orioles.
2012 Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, wins a leadership ballot
2013 6 people are killed in military and insurgent conflict in Zamboanga City, Philippines
2013 100 people are killed in a series of attacks across Iraq
2013 59 people are killed and 175 wounded in a shopping mall gun battle in Nairobi, Kenya
2015 Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin, pulls out of the Republican US Presidential race
2015 67th Emmy Awards: hosted by Andy Samberg, "Game of Thrones", Viola Davis, John Hamm win
Born on September 21st
1051 Bertha of Savoy, German queen and Holy Roman Empire Empress (d. 1087)
1328 Hongwu Emperor of China (d. 1398)
1372 Frederik I van Hohenzollern, monarch of Brandenburg (1417-40)
1411 Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, claimant to the English throne (d. 1460)
1415 Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1440-1493) (d. 1493)
1428 Jingtai Emperor of China (d. 1457)
1452 Girolamo Savonarola, Dominican priest and ruler of Florence (1494-98) (d. 1498)
1527 Matthaus Ludecus, composer
1559 Cigoli, Florentine painter, architect, and sculptor (d. 1613)
1629 Philip Cardinal Howard, English Catholic cardinal (d. 1694)
1645 Louis Joliet, Canadian explorer (d. 1700)
1706 Jacob Wilhelm Lustig, composer
1706 Polyxena Christina of Hesse-Rotenburg, queen of Sardinia (d. 1735)
1728 Louis Emmanuel Eadin, composer
1737 Francis Hopkinson, US, writer/lawyer (helped design Stars & Stripes)
1752 Louise MC, countess of Albany
1756 John Loudon McAdam, Scottish engineer and road-builder, created macadam road surface (asphalt) (d. 1836)
1758 Christopher Gore, 8th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1827)
1760 Gaetano Valeri, composer
1760 Ivan Dmitriev, Russian statesman (d. 1837)
1788 Margaret Smith Taylor, 1st lady (1849-50)
1817 Carter Littlepage Stevenson, Major General (Confederate Army)
1817 Charles Balmer, composer
1819 Princess Louise Marie Thérèse of France (d. 1864)
1820 Williams Carter Wickham, Brigadier General (Confederate Army)
1824 Joseph Andrew Jackson Lightburn, Brigadier General (Union volunteers)
1827 Michael Corcoran, Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1863
1832 Friedrich Wilhelm Langhans, composer
1832 Samuel Sprigg Carroll, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1893
1833 Josef Richard Rozkosny, composer
1839 Henry George, American writer, politician and political economist (d. 1897)
1840 Murad V, Ottoman Sultan (1876) (d. 1904)
1842 Abd-ul-Hamid II, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1918)
1843 David Emlyn Evans, composer
1849 Edmund Gosse, London, translator/critic (Father & Son)
1849 Maurice Barrymore, Indian-born patriarch of the Barrymore family (d. 1905)
1853 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Dutch physicist (liquid helium) (Nobel Prize laureate 1913) (d. 1926)
1859 Cyriel Buysse, Flemish baron/writer (Sursum Corda, Ace Knave)
1859 Francesc Macià i Llussà, Catalan politician (d. 1933)
1862 James E. Talmage, LDS apostle and author (d. 1933)
1863 John Bunny, American film comedian (d. 1915)
1866 Charles Jean Henri Nicolle, French bacteriologist (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1928) (d. 1936)
1866 H. G. Wells, English writer (War of the Worlds, Kipps) (d. 1946)
1867 Henry Lewis Stimson, US minister of War (1911-13)
1869 Henryk Melcer-Szczawinski, composer
1871 Ernst Heldring, Dutch merchant/ship owner/financier
1873 Papa Jack Laine, American musician (d. 1966)
1874 Gustav Theodore Holst, English composer (Planets) (d. 1934)
1880 Henry Louis Mencken, US essayist/critic (American Mercury)
1882 Alf Thorbald Hurum, composer
1884 Hugh "Shorty" Ray, supervisor of NFL officials, HOF member
1885 Thomas Alexandrovich de Hartmann, composer
1886 Teiichi Igarashi, Japan, climed Mt Fuji at age 99
1887 Lodewijk de Vocht, composer
1889 Otto Forst de Battaglia, Austrian diplomat/genealogist
1893 Moses Pergament, composer
1894 Tullio Carminati, Zara Dalmatia Italy, actor (Roman Holiday)
1895 Sergei Yesenin, Russian poet (d. 1925)
1896 Walter Breuning, American supercentenarian
1898 Tushar Kanti Ghosh, world's oldest/longest serving newspaper Editor
1899 Frederick Coutts, the 8th General of The Salvation Army (d. 1986)
1899 Luc Haesaerts, Flemish art critic (Flandre)
1901 Adele Bochner
1902 Allen Lane, English publisher/founder (Penguin Books)
1902 Learie (Nicholas) Constantine, Trinidad cricket player
1902 Limari Salminen, Finland, 10K run (Olympic-gold-1936)
1902 Luis Cernuda, Spanish poet (d. 1963)
1902 Sir Allen Lane, British founder of Penguin Books (d. 1970)
1904 Hans Hartung, German/French painter
1905 Robert Lebel, French Canadian ice hockey executive (d. 1999)
1906 Derrick De Marney, London England, actor (Inheritance)
1906 Henry Beachell, American plant breeder (d. 2006)
1907 Helen Foster Snow, writer
1907 Lloyd Gough, actor (Mike Axford-Green Hornet)
1909 Kwame Nkrumah, 1st President of Ghana (d. 1972)
1912 Chuck Jones, American animator (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck) (d. 2002)
1912 György Sándor, Hungarian pianist (d. 2005)
1913 Ulrich Ernst Simon, theologian
1914 John Kluge, Chemnitz Germany, media CEO (Metromedia)/billionaire
1916 Françoise Giroud, French journalist and politician (d. 2003)
1916 Jagernath Lachmon, premier Suriname
1917 Phyllis Nicolson, British mathematician (d. 1968)
1918 John Gofman, American Manhattan Project scientist and advocate (d. 2007)
1918 Rand Brooks, LA California, actor (Cpl Boone-Rin Tin Tin)
1919 Aya Zikken, author (Atlasvlinder, Rameh)
1919 Fazlur Rahman, Pakistani scholar (d. 1988)
1919 Mario Bunge, Argentine philosopher and physicist
1920 Jay Ward, cartoonist (Rocky & his Friends, Bullwinkle)
1922 Lode Backx, Flemish pianist
1923 Harry JN Vane 11th Lord Barnard, English large landowner
1924 Gail Russell, Chicago IL, actress (Uninvited, Moonrise, Unseen)
1924 Hermann Buhl, Austrian mountaineer (d. 1957)
1926 Donald A. Glaser, American physicist (Nobel Prize laureate 1960)
1926 Noor Jehan, Pakistani singer and actress (d. 2000)
1929 Bernard Williams, English philosopher (d. 2003)
1929 Sándor Kocsis, Hungarian footballer (d. 1979)
1930 Dawn Addams, Felixstown Engl, actress (Alan Young Show, Star Maidens)
1931 Larry Hagman, American actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas)
1932 Don Preston, rocker (Mothers Of Invention)
1932 Melvin Van Peebles, US, playwright/director (Watermelon Man)
1933 Dick Simon, American racing driver
1934 Leonard Cohen, Canadian singer and songwriter (Death of Ladies Man, Waiting for a Miracle)
1935 Henry Gibson, American actor, comedian (Nashville, Laugh-In's poet) (d. 2009)
1935 Jimmy Armfield, English footballer and manager
1936 Diane Rehm, American radio talk show host for National Public Radio
1936 Dickey Lee, American singer and songwriter
1936 Yuriy Luzhkov, Russian politician, mayor of Moscow
1938 Atli Heimir Sveinsson, composer
1938 Doug Moe, American basketball player and coach
1938 Yuji Takahashi, composer
1940 Bill Kurtis, American television journalist, newscaster (American Parade)
1940 Hermann Knoflacher, Austrian civil engineer
1941 Jack Brisco, American professional wrestler
1941 R. James Woolsey, Jr., Central Intelligence Agency director
1941 Tony Moon, rocker
1942 Ann Elder, Cleve Oh, comedienne (Smothers Brothers Show, Laugh-In)
1944 Fannie Flagg, American actress and novelist, comediene (Candid Camera)
1944 Hamilton Jordan, U.S. President Jimmy Carter's original chief of staff (d. 2008)
1944 Steve Beshear, Democratic Governor of Kentucky.
1944 Susan Maureen Fleetwood, Scotland, actress (Krays, Sacrifice)
1945 Bjarni V Tryggvason, Reykjavik Iceland, astronaut (STS 85)
1945 Jerry Bruckheimer, American film and television producer
1945 Ombrettqa Colli, Italian entertainer
1945 Richard Childress, NASCAR team owner
1945 Shaw Clifton, the 18th General of The Salvation Army
1946 Moritz Leuenberger, Swiss Federal Councilor
1947 Don Felder, American guitarist (Eagles)
1947 Marsha Norman, American playwright
1947 Stephen King, American sci-fi and horror author (Carrie, Shining, Kujo, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile)
1948 Michael Finneran, diver (1st perfect 10 on 10m platform)
1949 Artis Gilmore, American basketball player, ABA all star (Kentucky Colonels)
1950 Bill Murray, American comedian and actor (Saturday Night Live, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day)
1950 Charles Clarke, British politician
1951 Aslan Maskhadov, Chechen rebel leader (d. 2005)
1951 Bob Franks, (Rep-R-NJ)
1951 Bruce Arena, American soccer coach (Olympics-gold-96)
1951 Henk Hofstede, Dutch singer/guitarist/keyboardist (Nits)
1952 Anneliese Michel, German exorcism victim (d. 1976)
1952 Dave Gregory, English guitar and keyboard player (XTC)
1953 Arie Luyendyk, Dutch race car driver
1953 Betty Wright, rocker
1953 John Mengatti, NYC, actor (Nick-White Shadow, For Love & Honor)
1954 Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor, British drummer (Motörhead)
1954 Shinzo Abe, Japanese politician
1955 Mika Kaurismäki, Finnish director
1955 Rebecca Balding, Little Rock Ark, actress (Carla-Lou Grant, Soap)
1955 Richard J Hieb, American astronaut (STS 39, 49, 65)
1956 Jack Givens, American basketball player
1956 Marta Kauffman, American television producer
1956 Ricky Morton, American professional wrestler
1957 Ethan Coen, American film director, producer (Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona, Fargo, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink)
1957 Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia
1957 Lynette Love, US tai kwan do champ 1987/(Olympics 1988)
1957 Penny Smith, English television presenter
1957 Sidney Moncrief, American basketball player
1958 Bruno Fitoussi, French poker player
1958 Rick Mahorn, American basketball player, NBA forward (Detroit Pistons)
1959 Corinne Drewery, British singer (Swing Out Sister)
1959 Danny Cox, American baseball player
1959 Dave Coulier, American actor (Joey Gladstone-Full House)
1960 David James Elliott, Canadian actor (Seinfeld, Lt Harmon Rabb-Jag)
1961 Michel R Vassallucci, French/Neth publisher (Arena)
1961 Nancy Travis, American actress (Kim-Almost Perfect, Chaplin, 8 Men Out)
1962 Grant Fuhr, Edmonton Alberta, NHL goalie (Oilers)
1962 Rob Morrow, American actor (Dr Fleishman-Northern Exposure)
1963 Angus Macfadyen, Scottish actor
1963 Cecil Fielder, American baseball player, infielder (Detroit Tigers, NY Yankees)
1963 Curtly Ambrose, Antiguan West Indies cricketer
1964 Danny Hoekman, soccer player (NEC)
1964 Danny Villa, NFL guard (KC Chiefs)
1964 Jorge Drexler, Uruguayan singer and composer
1965 Cheryl Hines, American actress
1965 David Wenham, Australian actor
1965 Johanna Vuoksenmaa, Finnish film director
1965 Richard Brown, NFL linebacker (Minnesota Vikings)
1966 Ronna Reeves, Big Spring TX
1967 Andrea Thies, Irvington NY, rower (Olympics-92, 96)
1967 Faith Hill, American singer
1967 Glen Benton, American musician (Deicide)
1967 Romeo van Aerde, soccer player (RKC)
1967 Tyler Stewart, Canadian drummer (Barenaked Ladies)
1968 Ricki Lake, American actress (Hairspray) and talk show hostess (Ricki)
1968 Trugoy, rocker (De La Soul)
1969 Jason Christiansen, American baseball player, pitcher (Pittsburgh Pirates)
1969 Lia Biehl, LPGA golfer
1969 Randal Hill, NFL wide receiver (Miami Dolphins)
1970 John Cudia, American actor
1970 Michael O'shea, CFL linebacker (Toronto Argonauts)
1971 Alfonso Ribeiro, American actor, pianist (Alfonso-Silver Spoons)
1971 John Crawley, English cricketer
1971 Luke Wilson, American actor
1972 Alicia Rickter, Long Beach CA, playmate (Oct, 1995)
1972 Brooke Bushnell, LA California, rhythmic gymnast (US team-96)
1972 David Silveria, American drummer (KoЯn)
1972 Jon Kitna, American football player, NFL quarterback (Seattle Seahawks)
1972 Liam Gallagher, English singer (Oasis)
1972 Scott Spiezio, American baseball player
1973 Oswaldo Sanchez, Mexican footballer
1973 Vanessa Grigoriadis, American journalist
1973 Virginia Ruano-Pascual, Madrid Spain, tennis star
1974 Andy Todd, English footballer
1974 Bryce Drew, American basketball player
1974 Jana Kandarr, German tennis player
1974 Taral Hicks, American musician
1975 Doug Davis, American baseball player
1976 Adrian Olivo, Arlington Va, canoe (alt-Olympics-96)
1976 Jana Kandarr, tennis star
1976 Jonas Bjerre, Danish singer and guitarist (Mew)
1976 Poul Hübertz, Danish footballer
1977 Brian Tallet, American baseball player
1978 Doug Howlett, New Zealand rugby union footballer
1978 Luke Godden, Australian rules footballer
1979 Chris Gayle, Jamaican West Indies cricketer
1979 James Allan, Scottish singer (Glasvegas)
1979 Jaymee Ong, Chinese-Australian model
1979 Julian Gray, English footballer
1979 Richard Dunne, Irish footballer
1980 Aleksa Palladino, American actress
1980 Autumn Reeser, American actress
1980 Kareena Kapoor, Indian actress
1980 Nyree Lewis, British Paralympic swimmer
1980 Raegan Tomaster, East Patgchogue NY, gymnast (alt-Olympics-96)
1980 Robert Hoffman, American actor
1980 Tomas Scheckter, South African racing driver
1981 Meilinda Soerjoko, Indonesian-Australian actress
1981 Nicole Richie, American socialite
1981 Rimi Sen, Indian actress
1982 Christos Tapoutos, Greek footballer
1982 Danny Kass, American snowboarder
1982 Eduardo Azevedo, Brazilian racing driver
1982 Marat Izmailov, Russian footballer
1982 Parvati Shallow, American reality show contestant
1982 Rowan Vine, English footballer
1983 Anna Meares, Australian cyclist
1983 Fernando Cavenaghi, Argentinian footballer
1983 Joseph Mazzello, American actor (Internal Affairs)
1983 Maggie Grace, American actress
1984 Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, American swimmer
1985 Maryam Hassouni, Dutch actor
1986 Faris Rotter, English vocalist (The Horrors)
1987 Ashley Paris, American basketball player
1987 Courtney Paris, American basketball player
1987 Jimmy Clausen, American football player
1988 Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Pakistani politician
1989 Jason Derulo, American Pop singer
1989 Lyn-Z Adams Hawkins, American skateboarder
1990 Allison Scagliotti, American actress
1990 Christian Serratos, American actress, model and singer
1991 Jordan Hasay, American track and field athlete
1998 Brino quadruplets, American actors and actresses
Died on September 21st
(19 BC) Virgil, Roman poet (b. 70 BC)
454 Aëtius, Roman general (b. c.396)
687 Conon, Sicilian Pope (686-87)
1217 Caupo of Turaida, Livonian military leader
1217 Lembitu of Lehola, Estonian military leader
1327 Edward II, king of England (1307-1327) (b. 1284)
1397 Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel, English military leader (executed) (b. 1346)
1433 Zweder van Kuilenberg, bishop of Utrecht
1440 Frederik I van Hohenzollern, ruler Brandenburg (1417-40)
1481 Bartholomeus Platinum, Italian humanist/pontifical librarian
1519 Hans Backofen/Backoffen, German sculptor
1520 Selam I Jawuz, the Barse, poet/cruel sultan of Turkey
1542 Juan Boscán Almogáver, Spanish poet
1558 Charles V, King of Spain (Carlos I), Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1500)
1576 Gerolamo Cardano, Italian mathematician (b. 1501)
1586 Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, French church leader, viceroy of Naples (1571-75) (b. 1517)
1590 Ascanio Trombeti, composer
1626 François de Bonne, duc de Lesdiguières, Constable of France (b. 1543)
1629 John Pieterszoon Coen, merchant/gov-gen of East-Indies
1705 Willem Hadriaan of Nassau, corrupt mister of Odijck
1719 Johann Heinrich Acker, German writer (b. 1647)
1743 Jai Singh II, King of Amber-Juiper (b. 1688)
1748 John Balguy, English philosopher (b. 1686)
1796 François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers, French general (b. 1769)
1798 George Read, American lawyer, signer of the US Declaration of Independence (b. 1733)
1809 Alexander Reinagle, composer
1812 Emmanuel Johann Joseph Schikaneder, composer
1820 Joseph R Drake, US poet (American Flag)
1832 Walter Scott, Scottish attorney, poet, writer (Ivanhoe) (b. 1771)
1836 John Stafford Smith, composer
1839 Jacob Gottfried Weber, German composer
1860 Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (b. 1788)
1874 Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont, French geologist (b. 1794)
1883 Johannes van Vloten, Dutch man of letters/theologist
1897 Wilhelm Wattenbach, German historian (b. 1819)
1904 Chief Joseph, US indian chief (Nez Perces) (b. 1840)
1905 Rudolf Baumbach, writer of German student drinking songs
1906 Samuel Arnold, Lincoln conspirator (b. 1838)
1908 Pablo de Sarasate, Spanish violinist/composer (Spanish Dancer)
1911 Arab Pasha, "al-Misri" [Pasha Ahmad Arab), Egyptian minister
1915 Anthony Comstock, anti-vice crusader
1922 Tom Armitage, cricketer (England lob bowler v Australia 1877)
1926 Leon Charles Thevenin, French telegraph engineer (b. 1857)
1937 Henri (Lucien) Capitant, French lawyer
1938 Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic, Croatian writer (b. 1874)
1939 Armand Calinescu, Romanian prime-minister, assassinated (b. 1893)
1944 Artur Phleps, German Waffen-SS officer (b. 1881)
1946 Leo Bittermieux, Flemish missionary (Congo)
1946 Olga Engl, Austrian actress (b. 1871)
1947 Harry Carey Sr, actor, director (Red River, Sundown)
1948 Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Founder of Pakistan (b. 1876)
1953 Roger Quilter, British composer
1954 Kokichi Mikimoto, Japanese inventor (b. 1858)
1956 Anastasio Somoza, Nicaraguan dictator, assassinated by Roliberto Lopez
1956 Robert Mills Delaney, composer
1957 Haakon VII (CF Charles WA), Danish king of Norway (1905-57) (b. 1872)
1961 Earle Dickson, inventor (band-aid)
1961 Maurice Delage, composer
1963 Paulino Masip, Spanish playwright (b. 1899)
1964 Jim Koethe, Dallas Times Herald reporter, killed by karate chop
1966 Paul Reynaud, Premier of France (1940) (b. 1878)
1970 Gijsbert Friedhoff, architect (Wibautstrat tax office)
1971 Bernardo Houssay, Argentine physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1887)
1972 Henry M de Montherlant, French author (Port Royal) (b. 1896)
1973 Diana Sands, actress (Landlord, Raisin in the Sun)
1973 William CF Plomer, S Afr libretto writer (Curlew River)
1974 Jacqueline Susann, American novelist (Valley of the Dolls) (b. 1918)
1974 Walter Brennan, American actor (Real McCoys) (b. 1894)
1976 Orlando Letelier, Chilean diplomat (b. 1932)
1979 John McQuade, actor (Charlie Wild Private Detective)
1980 Ernest White, composer
1981 Nigel Patrick, actor, director (Sapphire, Prize of Gold)
1981 Tony Aubin, composer
1982 Hovhannes Bagramyan, Soviet general (b. 1897)
1985 Gu Long, Taiwanese writer of wuxia novels (b. 1937)
1986 Pierre Wigny, Belgium minister of Foreign affairs (1958-61)
1987 Jaco Pastorius, American bassist, composer (Weather Report) (b. 1951)
1987 Ruth Attaway, actress (Porgy & Bess, Conrack, Being There)
1988 Christine Norden, actress (Little Shop of Horroers, Night Beat)
1988 Glenn Robert Davis, member of United States Congress (b. 1914)
1988 Henry Koster, director
1988 Robert Gwathmey, artist
1989 F Fischer, German war criminal (4, Two of Breda)
1990 Takis Kanellopoulos, Greek film director and screenwriter (b. 1933)
1991 Angelo "Little Moe" Rossitto, dwarf actor (Carousel, Dark)
1991 JA Mommersteeg, Dutch state sect of Defense (KVP)
1992 Billy Williams, actor (Adv of Kit Carson)
1992 Hans Rosenberg, astronomer/alderman of Utrecht
1993 Fernand Ledoux, Belgian/French actor (L'Homme de Londres)
1993 Kamaran Abdalla, Iraq/Engl/Neth actor (Best Thing in Life)
1994 Arthur Krim, US director (United Artists, Orion Pictures)
1994 Oswald "Ossie" Stevens Nock, railway Writer
1995 Irven Spence, animator
1995 Peter Shankland, film maker/writer
1995 Rudy Perpich, American politician (b. 1928)
1995 Vernell Townsend, blues/gospel singer
1995 William Murray, teacher/educationalist
1996 John Stachniewski, scholar/teacher,
1996 Julius Silverman, politician
1996 Sabine Zlatin, nurse
1997 Jennifer Holt, American actress (b. 1920)
1997 Tommy Cecil, ferryman
1998 Florence Griffith Joyner, American athlete (b. 1959)
2000 Bryan Smith, Man who ran over Stephen King (b. 1957)
2002 Robert L. Forward, American physicist and writer (b. 1932)
2004 Barry Noble Wakeman, American naturalist and educator (b. 1939)
2004 Bob Mason, British actor (b. 1952)
2006 Boz Burrell, English rock musician (b. 1946)
2006 Tasos Athanasiadis, Greek writer (b. 1913)
2007 Alice Ghostley, American actress (b. 1926)
2007 Hallgeir Brenden, Norwegian Olympic gold medalist (b. 1929)
2007 Rex Humbard, American television evangelist (b. 1919)
2011 Jun Henmi, Japanese writer and poet (b. 1939)
2011 Pamela Ann Rymer, American federal appellate judge (b. 1941)
2011 Troy Anthony Davis, American high-profile death row inmate and human rights activist (executed) (b. 1968)
2013 Roman Vlad, Romanian-born Italian composer