Modes and Themes are change to the content displayed in both sections (the Slide and Scroll) of PartyPossum TV View.
A Mode or a Theme can be Public (available to all) or Private (invite only, and password protected).
The difference between a Mode and a Theme is that a Mode will occupy the majority or all of the content of either or both of the sections, while a Theme will only intermittently add content related to the theme to both sections.
For Example the Public Mode 'Trivia' will only display Trivia Questions, and no other content in the Slide section. The Public THEME 'Hockey' will occasionally add additional Ice Hockey related content to both sections.
Sometimes a Mode may affect the majority of content in one section but have no affect on the other. Trivia mode affects the entire content of the Slide section but no content in Scroll section. 'Stocks' mode affects the entire content of the Scroll Section but only occasional content in the Slide section.
Any questions or concerns about the content can be directed HERE.