

Which of the following best describes your position here?


Overall how satisfied are you with your position?
          Very dissatisfied
          Somewhat dissatisfied
          Not satisfied or dissatisfied
          Somewhat satisfied
          Very satisfied

Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements.
Employees are recognized as individuals.
Employees are highly motivated to see the business succeed.
The business is flexible with respect to hours and family responsibilities.
My job responsibilities are clear.
Management is sensitive to employee problems.
My supervisor provides a positive role model.

Please indicate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following.
The morale of the people with whom you work.
Your own morale.
The team spirit and level of cooperation among workers.
The amount of recognition you receive for your work.
The compensation you receive for your work.
Your overall level of job security.
The professionalism of your supervisor.

Overall, how would you rate this business as a place to work
          Very Poor

Overall, what is the best thing about working here?

What would be the one thing we could do that would improve our business the most?

Thank you for completing this survey!

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