Twenty-One Aces
Also Known as...
Ones, Twenty-One Monkey's, Twenty-One Eyes, 21 Aces, 21 Monkeys, 21 Eyes
Similar to...
5 Dice, Shot or Cocktail Glass, Booze
Intoxication Level
This Game is usually played in a bar. It can be played using drinks or shots.
Players take turns rolling all five dice. Players count the 'ones' (often called "Aces", "Monkey's", or "Eyes" depending on what the game is called).
The player who rolls the SEVENTH 'one' gets to pick the shot or drink to be drank at the end of the game.
The person who rolls the FOURTEENTH 'one' must pay for the shot or drink.
After the SEVENTEENTH 'one', a die is removed so that there is only four.
Another die is removed after the EIGHTEENTH 'one', Another after the NINETEENTH, and other after the TWENTIETH so that there is only one die left.
The person who rolls the TWENTY-FIRST 'one' must (or gets to) drink the shot or drink.
Speedy Version (Variation A)
The player who rolls the FIRST 'one' gets to pick the drink to be drank at the end of the game.
The player who rolls the SEVENTH 'one' must taste the drink.
The person who rolls the FOURTEENTH 'one' must drink the drink.
The person who rolls the TWENTY-FIRST 'one' must pay for the drink EXCEPT when the player who rolled the fourteenth 'one' hasn't finished drinking it yet, in that case the person who rolled the fourteenth must also pay for it.
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