Also Known as...
Mexicali, Bullsh*t Dice
Similar to...
Liar's Dice, Liar's Dice - Individual Hand
Mexican did not originate from Mexico, it is possibly a bad pronunciation of Mäxchen ("Little Max"), the German name for the game Mia.
2 Dice, Dice Cup (if playing "Blind Mexican" - see Variation C ), Table, Booze
Intoxication Level
Low to Medium
Players gather around the table, the starting player begins with both dice.
The starting Player has the choice of one, two of three rolls to obtain the best score they can. The starter's score is the score of their last throw only. If a player elects to re-roll they have discarded their previous throw. Every other player in the game has the choice of throwing up to equal times as the starter, if the starter only takes one throw, all other players have only one throw.
Rolls are scored by multiplying the higher die by 10 and leaving the lower as is (1 and 4 is "41") Doubles are scored by multipying the matched number by 100 (3 and 3 is 300) and "Mexican" is the highest hand (2 and 1).
When Mexican (2 and 1) is rolled the loser of the round will have to drink double the normal drinking quantity. Each mexican in that round will double the required drinking amount.
A 31 is also known as a Scumbag. The throwing Player must drink and re-roll both die (None can be held aside). A Scumbag does not count as a roll for the player.
The Scoring from lowest to highest is as follows...
31 (Scumbag), 32, 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 11 (100), 22(200), 33(300), 44(400), 55(500), 66(600), 21 (Mexican)
If any player has more than one throw available, they may hold a 1 or a 2 (if thrown) for subsequent throws. This will increase the chance of a rolling a mexican but also, in the case of holding a 1, increase the chance of rolling scumbag (in which case, the die can't be held).
The loser is the person who throws the lowest score. In the event of a tie, all tied players must roll one die and the lowest number loses. The loser drinks. They game continues as long as desired.
Social (Variation A)
Some play that a 31 is a Social (rather than scumbag). In which case everyone drinks, all previous rolls are cancelled, and the rolling player rolls again to begin.
Reverse (Variation B)
Some Play that 32 is Reverse. In which case play changes direction, all previous rolls are cancelled, and the rolling player rolls again to begin.
Blind Mexican (Variation C)
Some Play Mexican blind like Liar's Dice. The starting player rolls one time concealed under a cup making sure no other players see the roll. The starting player looks at his roll and then may either accurately call out his score or bluff his score.
If a player rolls a 31, everyone drinks, all previous rolls are cancelled, and the rolling player rolls again to begin. The player does not need to show the roll unless challenged.
If a player rolls a 32, play changes direction, all previous rolls are cancelled, and the rolling player rolls again to begin. The player does not need to show the roll unless challenged.
If the next player does not believe the roller he may challenge, the cup is lifted, revealing the roller's hand. Either the bluffer or incorrect challenger must drink.
The following players each have one roll. The next player has the option to challenge the last rollers claim, roll a higher score, claim a special roll (like 31 or 32), or take a drink. Players may not claim an equal score to a previous roll.
The usual scoring in Blind Mexican is as follows...
31 (Social), 32 (Reverse), 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 21 (Mexican)
When the bid has reached the starting player, the round is over and a new round is started by the next player. The play continues as long as desired.
Mexi-Cali (Variation D)
Some play that Mexi is the second highest roll (5 and a 6), and Cali is the highest roll at (3 and 4).
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