Matchbox, Booze, Marker (optional)
Intoxication Level
Medium - High
Players gather in a circle with a matchbox, marking the rules on the matchbox is an optional aid.
Players attempt to throw a matchbox so that it lands on its edge or end.
Play proceeds around a circle. The player whose turn it is takes the matchbox and throws it. What happens next depends on how the box lands
If the matchbox lands on its end (smallest face) then four fingers are "added" to a penalty pot. Play then continues round the circle.
If the box lands on an edge (middle-sized face; usually the one with striking paper) then it accumulates two fingers in the penalty pot. Play continues.
If the matchbox lands on its side (the largest face) then the thrower must drink the total number of fingers accumulated in penalty pot so far. Once this has taken place the pot reverts to zero fingers and play continues. If the pot contains no fingers then play simply continues without penalty.
Many players will label the matchbox as a reminder of the rules.
Reverse (Variation A)
Also an 'R' on one end and one edge may be used to signify that the direction of play should be reversed (if play it was moving anti-clockwise, passing to the right, the box now moves to the left).
Drink Foul (Variation B)
Accidentally flicking a matchbox into a drink incurs an immediate penalty of four fingers for the thrower.
Sloppy Box (Variation C)
The matchbox not landing on the table incurs a penalty of two fingers for the thrower.
Spilling Foul (Variation D)
Spilling matches from the box is punishable by a fine (a finger or a sip per match).
Act of Celing (Variation E)
If someone throws the matchbox up high so that it hits the ceiling and then lands on its top end, everyone must finish off their current drink; land it on the edge, everyone must drink half of their current drink.
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