Breaking News Drinking Game
Also Known as...
News Channel Drinking Game, ISIS, War-time Drinking Game
TV with Cable or Satelite
Intoxication Level
Low to High
Players Gather around the TV during a Breaking News event
Players hop chanels from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, At each commercial the channel is changed.
General Rules
Last one to howl when Wolf Blitzer is shown must drink.
Drink anytime MSNBC hints that the Conservatives, Republicans, or their Ideals may be to blame for something (no matter how suttle).
Drink anytime Fox News hints that the Liberals, Democrats, or their Ideals may be to blame for something (no matter how suttle).
Drink anytime someone says "Another Network" (as in "Another Network is now reporting")
Drink anytime a network goes to live reporting from an affiliate.
Drink anytime a network loses a connection, loses audio, or doesn't play a video after they announce it.
Drink anytime someone says "i'm being told"
Rules may be created by participating players prior to the start,
Here is an Example from the Middle East...
If you hear someone on TV say "ISIS," or "ISIL" take a swig of beer and change the channel.
If someone says "American" or "America" everyone in the room must salute. The last person to salute takes a shot.
If someone on the News says "Syria" everyone must shout "Damascus", If someone on the News says "Iran" everyone must shout "Teheran", If someone on the News says "Saudi Arabia" everyone must shout "Riyadh", The last person takes a shot. Anyone naming the wrong city must also take a shot unless they shout "Taif" before they are called on the error.
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