Also Known as...
Relay Quarters
2 Quarters, Medium Glasses for all players besides the Anchors, Large glasses or pitchers for the Anchors.
Intoxication Level
Teams sit or stand facing each other in their chosen order, with the Anchormen in the last position. Each player has a full glass in front of them, with the Anchormen having more to drink. The quarters start on the opposite end of the Anchors.
When the game begins, the player with the quarter attempts to bounce it in their glass. When successful, they pound their beer without removing their mouth from the glass, and pass the quarter to the next member of the team.
The next member must then attempt to bounce the quarter in their glass. When successful, they pound their beer without removing their mouth from the glass, and pass the quarter to the next member of the team. And so on...
The team that finishes first wins.
The best or fastest drinker is usually the Anchor for the team.
(Variaiton B) Multi-Quarters
Additional Equipment - 1 quarter for each Player
A good variation is to have 1 quarter for each member, The members still may not start attempting to bounce the quarter in their glass until the player before them has completely finished their drink. The oposing team should be wary of cheating in this version.
(Variation C) Speed Anchorman
Additional Equipment - One Pitcher, 5 quarters for 3 players per team and 7 quarters for 4 players per team and so on,
The point of the game is to bounce all your teams quarters into the pitcher.
The team that bounces all their quarters into the pitcher first gets to pick the anchorman (Last to Drink) on the losing team.
The losing team has to empty the pitcher.
The first player can keep going untill they take their lips off the pitcher there is no minimum or maximum but they must stop when their lips move from the pitcher. Then they pass the pitcher to the next player.
The next players do the same
The last player (anchorman) must drink until the pitcher is empty without taking their lips from the pitcher.
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