Beer Chess



An oversized chess board (Some boards are created with bathroom tile or cardboard coasters), A variety of different beers (12 Variations and plenty of each)

Intoxication Level



Beer chess is played with beer,  Usually One side uses Light Beer (white), the other side uses regular (black) of the same brands. A variety of brands is used to differentiate the pieces
Common use...
8 pawns:  Bud Lights (8oz can)  Budweiser (8oz cans)
2 Rooks:  Miller Light (12oz can)  Miller Genuine Draft (12 oz Can)
2 Knights:  Busch Light (12 oz Can)  Busch (12 oz Cans)
2 Bishops:  Coors Light (12 oz Can)  Coors (12 oz Cans)
Queen:  Michelob Light (Bottle)  Michelob (Bottle)
King:  Bud Light (Bottle)  Budweiser (Bottle)

Use your own brands if you don't want to drink crap the whole time.


When a Player moves a piece, they must sip from the piece moved.
When a Player's piece is captured, they must drink the entire piece.
Castling requires two sips, one from the King, one from the Rook
En passent requires only one sip (as in a standard pawn move)
When one's pawn reaches the eighth rank, and is exchanged for a queen (or other piece), one's opponent must drink the remainder of the pawn and replace it with the queen brand.
Once a piece is sipped, that piece must be moved. (taking back moves is not allowed)
One may take as long as one wants to drink a captured piece, but the piece must be quickly consumed when a second piece is captured.
After each exchange of pieces, the players must toast each other's health with the exchanged pieces.
When one is put in check, one must sip from the King.
If a player is unable to continue they forfeit.
A player may not go the the bathroom before his move.
When one is checkmated, one must drink:
The remainder of one's own pieces, plus the remainder of the opponent's King Only (Regular Rules). 

(Variation A) Major League Rules 

Players : 2
Equipment : An oversized checker board (Some boards are created with bathroom tile or cardboard coasters), A variety of different beers (12 Variations and plenty of each),
Inebriation : Very High
Change: The losing player must drink all remaining pieces on the board.

(Variation B) Little League Rules

Players : 2
Equipment : An oversized checker board (Some boards are created with bathroom tile or cardboard coasters), A variety of different beers (12 Variations and plenty of each),
Inebriation : Medium
Change: Cups are used for pawns and only a few ounces of beer is used.  This makes the game more realistically playable.

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